My Delicious Profile
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
“I re-define the meaning of Self Absorbed.”

Race: Homo Sapient
Age: Depends on the year
Location: Northern Shorelines
Religious Background: Islam
Current Religion: Love Peace
Marital Status: Very
to the John Smith (see pic's)
Occupations: Artist, Writer, Web Designer/Developer, Joker, Maid, Chef, Dancer, Flirt, Naturalist, Philosopher, Animal Psychologist, Spoiled Child, Trader.

Favorite Comedian: Robin Williams (he's a friggen genius)
Favorite Authors: Richard Bach, Mark Twain, Neale Donald Walsch, Sanaya Roman
Favorite Sitcoms: Friends & Mad About You (does this mean I'm shallow?)
Favorite Places: Grand Cayman, Belize, Tortilla, St. Croix, St. Thomas, Turks & Cacaos, Hawaii (any bit of land surround by swimming-blue turquoise water)

Favorite Fantasy: Doing arrest a citizen's on someone that driving slow in the right-hand, passing lane.
Favorite Position: (see illustration)
Favorite Hobby: Making lists of my favorite things.
Biggest Fear: That I won’t make a difference.
Biggest Loves: Making a difference, baby animals, dancing, a good debate, reading, laughing, anything by/in the ocean, scuba diving, walks, writing, accomplishing, changing, painting, loving and being loved.
“Someone sent me aBiggest Dream: Everyone is happy.
picture postcard of the earth.
On the back it said,
“Wish you were here.”
- Steven Wright
Heroes: Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey (anyone with guts enough to stand up for what they believe, regardless of the ridicule).
A Bit of History:
I was born in Jakarta, and Jakarta wasn’t conservative enough, I was raised by strict Padang-Islam parents. They instilled in me a strong work ethic and a sense of responsibility. All of which is rather unusual for an artsy-fartsy type.
I attended Java University in Central Java and received my Bachelor of Fine Arts in 1989 and set off for a career in sales. Sales? Yes, sales. I wanted to make the big money. I had that “good with people” quality so I figured why not profit from it. I did pretty well in it but there was one small problem. I hated it.
I quit sales and found a job in an art department at a TV station as a graphic designer. I was in heaven. Advertising, commercial art, on-air graphics, I was finally doing what I loved. I distinctly remember thinking to myself after a week on the job, “I can't believe they're actually paying me to do this!”
Once again, I quit as a graphic designer at a TV station. Then I worked in one of the insurance office. I managed to work my way up to branch manager in 3 years. After that I held various positions for different companies.
In the evenings, I did forex trading work at home. And now, I am a fulltime foreign currency exchange in Indonesia. All in all, I've been working in the forex market for over 5 years.
in my spare time I like to learn about things that are totally unrelated to my forex trading. I know a little bit about everything, but I'm an expert at nothing. I'm 5'10" and I have dreamy black eyes. I love long walks on the beach..... Ok, I better stop before this turns into a personal ad.
I met and married a brilliant man who somehow manages to be responsible, sweet, and generous while at the same time being arrogant, infuriating, and a rebel. We've been married now for over 15 years.
Anyway, so I was born, raised, worked, and married. No kids, two cats. What else is there?
“My life has a superb cast,Personality Type:
but I can't figure out the plot.”
- Ashleigh Brilliant
I've talked with several people who said they appreciated knowing my personality type which is ENFP (borderline INFP). ENFP stands for Extroverted, Intuitive, Feeling, Perceptive. If you'd like to read more about personality types or take the test yourself, go to the Keirsey Temperament Sorter (based on Myers-Briggs test)
Thank you for stopping by and get to know me better

Moza Home
Mba moza, saya mau tanya, bagaimana cara buat feature slide seperti yang ada di blog
Makasih mba atas bantuannya.... ^_^
Soalnya template saya di ga bisa jalan feature slidenya.
ada 2 kemungkinannya:
1. salah dalam menyalin script feature.
2. source javascript sudah tidak aktive.
Yah, mba. kata yang designer templatenya (
sudah overload. Jadi kita harus hosting javascriptnya sendiri. Masalahnya saya tidak tahu kode yang mana yang harus dihosting. Bisa bantu saya? Soalnya template kita sama mba......makanya saya nanya ke mab. mungkin bisa bantu.
Hey Everybody,
"Which Forex pair and time frame is best to trade" is the frequently asked question and I want do give you the EXPLICIT ANSWER in this comment.
Are you expecting that I am going to say something like EUR/CHF on 10-minute time frame or GBP/USD on weekly...? No, it is not so simple, but SIMPLE ENOUGH we can figure it out!
The "PROBLEM" is that markets change over time. If GBP/USD was a well trending currency pair a few years ago, today it is another one.
I actually want to let you know about a SPECIAL TOOL that I use to find the BEST TRENDING PAIRS among all the Forex pairs.
The instrument inspects 34 Forex pairs on all time frames from minute to monthly. This way you pick the best trending pair and time frame at the current time.
Hey Ya'll,
I've attached a list of the highest ranking forex brokers:
1. Best Forex Broker
2. eToro - $50 min. deposit.
Here is a list of the best forex tools:
1. ForexTrendy - Recommended Probability Software.
2. EA Builder - Custom Indicators Autotrading.
3. Fast FX Profit - Secret Forex Strategy.
I hope you find these lists beneficial.
Hi Sayamoza, you have an interesting personality & I love your writings on forex. How can we connect on fb?